Classroom course with an Assignment Instance.

Assignment Instance

 The LMS has a feature to create a placeholder course instance/class to temporarily "place" users enrolled by an assignment. This is the Assignment Instance field, and it is found at the course instance level. It identifies the course instance in an assignment. After users are enrolled in the placeholder instance, instructors can move users into future scheduled classes or users have the option to manually self-register into a classroom course.

  1. Create a Learning Object classroom type course, as usual, with the required fields.
  2. At the course instance level, enter and select the below fields:
    1. Start and End date
      1. Enter the start and end date far in the future:
        1. MM/DD/2099 (e.g. 01/01/2099) 12:00AM
        2. MM/DD/2050 (e.g. 01/01/2050) 12:00AM
      2. NOTE – Both the start and end date and times can be exactly the same since this is the placeholder class/instance.
    2. Max Students
      1. This should be a large number since all users will be enrolled into this placeholder instance by the assignment (e.g. 1000, 5000)
    3. Assignment Instance – used to identify the class instance in the assignment. 
      Check the box. 
    4. Setup all the other required fields as usual with an Instructor, Room selection, Scheduled status, etc.
      1. NOTE – The facility and instructor can be TBD, since this is the placeholder instance and not the actual instance where the user will be taking the class.
      2. The course placeholder instance will look similar to the one below:
    5. If a scheduled instance with a "real" date/ time, instructor, and facility is ready to be setup, it can be created at this time or it can be done later. 
    6. The last step is to create an assignment and include the Learning Object that was setup with the assignment instance. 

      To see how the assignment is setup with an assignment instance, view this article:
      Learning Object Instance