By default, all users, when added to the system are made members of the Standard User group. Administrators can add, edit and delete additional group roles to users through the user profile as follows:
- Access the User Profile by selecting Advanced Menu, User Management, Users, finding the desired User and clicking on the row of the User's info to launch the User Details Page / Profile.
- Click on the Groups tab in the Navigation Bar or scroll down to the section Available Groups to see a listing of Groups associated with the User.
- To add a new Group, click the New Group button at the top right of the Available Groups section.
- To edit the existing info, click the pencil icon in the Edit column on the far right of the row of the group you wish to edit.
- To delete an existing group association, click on the red X in the Delete Column on the left side of the row of the specifically named group. Confirm if asked. (NOTE: It is recommended practice to edit and make a group association inactive, rather than delete).
- This will launch the Add User Group / Group Details Screen in a popup window.
- Use the Group* drop down menu to select the group to add from the prepopulated listing of all groups created for the organization.
- Click the Active checkbox if wishing to make this group association active for this user.
- Click on the triangle icon to select the required Division* field from the popup availability tree.
- Use the + sign to expand the tree.
- Select the checkbox next to the appropriate division to which this group will apply.
- Enter additional optional information as desired.
- When all entries are complete, click Save.
- The popup will close and the new Group will appear in the Available Groups section.
Explanation of Fields: Add User Group / Group Details Screen
- Group* - drop down menu to select the group to add from the prepopulated listing of all.
- Recursive - DO NOT USE. The recursive functionality was removed in a previous version of Learnsoft LMS. It has no impact and will be removed in an upcoming release
- Active - checkbox that if selected will make this user / group association active.
- Note: When making a user inactive, ensure that all group references are also made inactive.
- Employment Type: Establishes the employment classification of the selected user for this particular group. This drop down list contains elements defined during the implementation of your LMS system.
- Position - Associates the User's job position for this particular group role.
- Clicking the yellow triangle will bring up the Job Position Lookup screen in a separate popup window. Find the desired job position, mark the checkbox to the left and click the Add Job Position button.
- Is Primary Position? - Checkbox, then when enabled indicates the position noted above is the User's primary position.
- This is both a way to change the user's position in their profile, for example, by adding a new standard user group with the new position and making the original standard user group / position inactive and of noting which of many positions may be the user's primary role.
- Some reports may have been customized to only provide user info for their primary role, so info is not duplicated in multiple departments.
- Is Primary Division? - Checkbox, then when enabled indicates the division selected is the User's primary division.
- Hire Date - allows for entry of hire date associated with this position.
- Division*- Primary LMS division / department of which the user is a member.
Please note that all fields with an * are MANDATORY and MUST be filled out.