Schedule Report Overview

Automatically email reports to users or groups of users

The Schedule Report Feature provides a means by which LMS Administrators can create reports which will be automatically emailed as attachments to Executives, Managers and selected others on a recurring basis allowing them to analyze Learning Object and User data for operational, decision-making and compliance purposes.

Reports can be exported to standardized formats including PDF, Excel and Excel (data only) options. In the latter, they can be further sorted, filtered and manipulated using the power of Excel spreadsheets.

Additionally, the email message can be specifically customized by the creator, including allowing for the use of variables (e.g. Report Name) which will be generated at runtime.

The Schedule Report Feature works in conjunction with the external Reports Web Service, which when activated, will daily (usually during non-business hours) generate and email scheduled reports.

Please check with your project manager to see whether your Reports Web Service has been activated and scheduled.