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Release v23-45 deployed 11/06/2023

In addition to client specific customizations, the following fixes and features were incorporated in this release.

PostMessageUpdateDueDateForAssignment JS missing from Assignment grid UI (LMS-598)

Corrected a JavaScript issue that was preventing the ability to update due dates on the Assignment grid for users who have the appropriate permission (Policy ID 91: Allow Due date modification of Assignments).

Company and Copyright corrections to login pages (LMS-634)

Some login pages had outdated company or copyright dates.  These have been corrected to show correct Company and Copyright information.

Job Position list throws Server error (LMS-659)

In certain situations, a User's Preferences could be automatically saved incorrectly, causing an LSGLM Server error when loading the Job Position list.  Clearing the Preferences would fix the error, but would often reoccur at a later date.  A code fix has now been deployed to keep the initial save to be done correctly.

Due Date showing on Session List but not on Session Info (LMS-662)

Corrected the issue when a Session/Learning Object Instance (LOI) contained a due date that it would not show in the Session Info but would display correctly on the Session/LOI list.  Both places now contain the same date.

Error for some users when trying to schedule reports (LMS-687)

Corrected an issue where some users encountered an error on the report scheduler due to a versioning issue with the underlying Stimulosoft report application that ran the scheduler service.