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Release v23-32 deployed 08/07/2023

In addition to client specific customizations, the following features were added in this release.

Features and Fixes released to all clients

Test Score with multiple-select (LMS-242)

The score issue related to test questions with multiple-choice answers (using checkboxes) has been resolved.

Certification SubStatus not populating as expected (LMS-422)

The Certification SubStatus field is now being populated when the admin selects the "Not needed" checkbox in the Certification Dashboard for users.

ILT Course showing as Online in Assignments with Course Order (LMS-425)

Fixed the display issue of courses assigned via assignment, specifically when the "Assign by Course" option is selected in an assignment. If the assignment contains both online and classroom-based courses, the system will now only verify prerequisites for the online courses and not the classroom-based courses. This update effectively resolves the issue of ILT (Instructor-Led Training) being displayed as online in assignment-based courses.

Failed Complete showing as Complete (LMS-429)

A SubStatus issue related to users taking the LMS test in a certification and receiving a failing score has been resolved. Users with a failed complete should no longer be listed with a complete certification.

ROMs Report Revision (LMS-248)

For clients subscribed to use the ROMs module, a new report is now available with expanded information fields. This is not automatically available; please request opening this report.