1. Knowledge base
  2. Learning Objects
  3. Competencies and Objectives (ROMS)

Access & Use the Objectives Checklist

After enrolling in a course with associated objectives, both the learner and authorizer can interact with the checklist

After enrolling in a course with associated objectives, both the learner and authorizer, need to access the Objectives Checklist to both demonstrate competency (User) and approve or note as completed (Authorizer / Proctor).

As a Learner

  1. When viewing their courses in the My Courses view, the user will see a checklist icon with the word Checklist written just below the image.
  2. To Access the Checklist of Objectives, click on the Checklist icon. 
  3. This will launch a separate pop-up ROMS window with a line-by-line listing of each Available Objective for the selected Course (Course Name) and Student (Student Name).
    1. The attributes ID, Competency, Objective, Due Date, Approved, Complete, Launch and Edit (pencil icon) will also show if available.
    2. The “Delete” icon will not be available to the user
  4. To view and comment on a specific Objective/ Competency, click on the edit (pencil) icon for the corresponding row.
  5. This will launch a separate pop-Learning Object Objectives detail page where the user can review more detailed information and add comments.
    1. The user is only able to edit / add comments to the Objectives, Student Comments and Metrics text boxes. They are not able to adjust any other section nor able to mark their status as Approved or Complete.
    2. To Save their Edits, click the Save button on the upper right corner. To Cancel; click Cancel. Either will return the user to the prior screen.

As an Approver / Proctor

  1. When accessing the Advanced View >Student > Enrollment feature (and, if desired to narrow down choices, using selectors, such as View Group and Course Name) and viewing users who have associated ROMS Objectives, the Approver / Proctor will see a link named Checklist in the Actions Column.
  2. Access the Checklist of Objectives, click on the Checklist link
  3. This will launch a separate pop-up ROMS window with a line by line listing of each Available Objective for the selected Course (Course Name) and Student (Student Name).
    1. The attributes ID, Competency, Objective, Due Date, Approved, Complete, Launch and Edit (pencil icon) will also show if available.
    2. The “Delete” (Red X) icon will be available to the authorizer / proctor (but not the student).
  4. To view and comment on a specific Objective/ Competency, click on the edit (pencil) icon for the corresponding row
  5. This will launch a separate pop-Learning Object Objectives detail page where the authorizer / proctor can review more detailed information, add comments, approve and mark as completed
    1. The authorizer / proctor is able to edit / add comments to the Objectives, Manager Comments and Metrics text boxes. They are can set a due date and are able to mark the status as Approved or Complete.
    2. To Save their Edits, click the Save button on the upper right hand corner. To Cancel; click Cancel. Either will return the user to the prior screen.
  6. Upon Saving the Prior screen will be updated with the new information.