How to use the Course Uploader

The Course Uploader (XSL upload) feature allows the user a convenient way to add multiple Courses with different attributes including: CourseID’s, Course Names, CourseTypes, Descriptions, GradingTypes, PassingScores, CreditUnits, CreditHours, ListPrices, Startdatetimes, EndDateTimes, FacilityNames, FacilityRooms, Instructors, ForceEvaluation, EvaluationStartDays, EvaluationEndDays, IncludeWaitlist, WaitlistCap, PromoPrice, GuestSpeaker, Presenter, EmailTo, ByPassAuthorization.

Download an annotated Course Uploader Template to serve as a guide. We do recommend downloading the most recent 'XLS Upload' file from your site so you have any settings that have been added. 

  1. The Course uploader can be accessed from the Overview Tab by selecting Learning Objects > Actions or from Advanced View > Learning Objects > Courses > Actions.
  2. Select the Actions button, and click on the “XLS Upload” button.
  3. When you click on the XLS Upload link, select open file and allow. The file may also open in the browser, depending on the browser being used and the browser setting. You will have to Download the file to your computer before editing it. 
  4. Fill in the Course information on the spreadsheet under the columns to add multiple entries. 
    1. Required fields for ONLINE course uploader: Create or Update, Course Type (2 = online), Grading Type, Passing Score (if graded course), WB Type, WBT URL, Catalog, Status, Division ID, Time Zone, and Max Students. 
    2. Required fields for CLASSROOM courses: Create or Update, Course Type (1=classroom), Grading Type, Passing Score (if graded course), Catalog, Start Date Time, End Date Time, Max Students, Facility Name, Facility Room, Instructor ID, Status, Division ID, Time Zone
  5. Go back to the Actions button to upload the Course Uploader file. 
    a.    Click on Choose File
    b.    Browse to where the file was saved on your computer.
    c.    Click on the file, select Active/Inactive from menu and click Upload.
  6. Courses now appear in the learning object list.