Associating Courses to Catalogs

Associating courses to catalog nodes helps users find courses within the LMS

One of the required fields for setting up a Learning Object is Catalog Tree. This allows the course to be associated within the catalog structure. Objects can be associated with one or more catalog nodes. 

To associate a course to a catalog, navigate to the Learning Object from the Advanced View > Learning Objects > Courses

Click the name of a course to edit or select New from the Learning Object List to create a new learning object. 

In the Catalog Tree field, click the + to the left of the category nodes to expand the tree. Once you locate the node, add a check to select the node. 


Save any changes for the Learning Object settings to take effect.

A quick way to view the catalog nodes a Learning Object is associated with is to click Show List View above the Catalog Tree field. This will open a box below with the list of catalog nodes.