How to Add a User - Single User Manual Entry

While most user creation is automated, adding a single user can be accomplished manually from the User Management menu

Users are created automatically as part of the daily User Import Service where the latest organizational HR / ERP data is imported into the LMS system. Administrators, however, do have the capability to add (and edit) users directly.

To manually add a User to the LMS system, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Users to bring up the User List.
  2. Click the New Users button in the upper right corner of the Users List.
  3. This will bring up the New User / Users Details Screen.
  4. Enter the required fields of Employment Type*, First Name*, Last Name*, Hire Date*, New Password*, Confirm Password*, Language*, UserName* and select the associated cost center from the Availability Tree found by clicking on the Division* section icon.
  5. While not required, it is recommended to also include: 
    1. Email address as this field will be used for notifications of assignments, reminders, enrollments, etc.
    2. Position as this can be useful in assigning and enrolling users in courses. To do so, click on the icon to the right of the Position textbox. This will launch the Job Position Lookup / Job List Screen in a popup window.

  6. Once all desired information has been entered, click the Save button.

  7. The new User will be saved and the Users Details Screen will reload with the updated information and additional sections, including the User's Name and system generated ID in the upper left corner and assignment in the Standard User Group to be found in the Available Group section.

  8. To return to the User List click Exit or to make changes to the User Details, click Edit.


Explanation of Fields: Users Details

Required fields displayed with *:

  • Employment Type*: Establishes the employment classification of the selected record. This drop down list contains elements defined during the implementation of your LMS system.
  • Salutation: Salutation associated with the selected record.
  • First Name*: First name associated with the selected record.
  • Middle Name: Middle name associated with the selected record.
  • Last Name*: Last name associated with the selected record.
  • Email: (Recommended) Email address associated with the selected record. This field is used to send reminders to the user and confirm LMS activities.
  • Address: Address associated with the selected record.
  • City: City associated with the selected record.
  • State: State associated with the selected record.
  • Country: Country associated with the selected record.
  • Specialty Type: Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Credential Type: Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Sub Status: Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Active: Check indicates active unchecked indicates the user is no longer active in the system.
  • Change Password: Checkbox when selected allows the administrator may also choose to change the password of the account (in conjunction with New Password / Confirm Password).
  • Advance View: Specifies whether or not the user associated with the selected record will have access to the Advanced View menu (must be enabled at the back end for the specific group type).
  • New Password* - Starred textbox to allow entry of new password.
  • Confirm Password* - Starred textbox to allow re-entry confirmation of new password.
  • Promotion Date - Textbox allowing for entry of date of promotion.
  • Salary Grade - Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Supervisor level - Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Ethnicity - Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • CDL Classification - Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Safety Sensitive - Textbox allowing for entry.
  • CDL Expiration - Textbox allowing for entry of date of CDL expiration.
  • Division*: Cost Center associated with the selected record. May be modified by clicking the icon located next to the textbox. When editing this field the Availability data tree will be displayed to assist with making the correct selection.
    • NOTE: Ensure you choose Availability at the lowest, cost center / departmental level (Expand the tree fully) or it may cause problems later.
  • Position: Position associated with the selected record. May be modified by clicking the icon located next to the textbox. When editing this field a data tree will be displayed to assist with making the correct selection.
  • Home Phone: Home phone associated with the selected record.
  • Work Phone: Work phone associated with the selected record.
  • Hire Date*: Hire date associated with the selected record. This field is used to establish anniversary dates for certain assignments and annual mandatory learning activities.
    • On Manual entry, will confirm to the current date.
  • Termination Date: Termination associated with the selected record. Active records should not contain a termination date.
  • Birth Date: Date of birth of selected user. May be utilized for assignments and license / certification renewals.
  • Rehired Date: Date of rehire if user left the organization and was rehired. This field is used to establish dates for certain assignments and mandatory learning activities.
  • Badge ID: Badge ID of user.
  • Employee ID: (Recommended) Internal Employee ID of user.
  • Cert. Division: Division associated with certification for the selected record. May be modified by clicking the icon located next to the textbox. When editing this field a data tree will be displayed to assist with making the correct selection.
  • School - Allows for selection from dropdown box (if prepopulated).
  • Language*: Specifies the language that will be used to display the LMS system for the selected user.
  • User Name*: Specifies the Username that will be used to login to the LMS by the user associated with the selected record.